An official army family and MWR Site

Roots & Wings Workshops

Upcoming Workshops

In support of Commander's Readiness and Resiliency Council (CR2C) and the continued objectives of empowering you our Soldiers, (Active and Retired), Civilians and Families, Army Community Service Family Advocacy Program (FAP) will be providing the following classes:

There Are No Tricks to Discipline

Wednesday Mar 12th 2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2022-02

Just because some discipline techniques seem like they work… it doesn't mean that they are effective. This presentation will demonstrate the difference between cooperation and obedience.


FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)

Wednesday Mar 19th 2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2022-12       

The realities of alcohol, marijuana, and pregnancy and how they can affect a developing fetus.                         


Co-Parenting and Divorce

Wednesday Mar 26th 2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2021-35       

Many families are parenting side-by-side instead of within the same household. That can be tricky enough without adding anger and new partners into the picture. This discussion will help find ways to build boundaries in respectful ways with good communication and problem-solving ideas.

Girl Empowerment

Wednesday Apr 2nd  2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2024-13       

How do we want our daughters to find their way in the world especially with the messages that they receive from their peers and the media? This discussion will help with tools for our daughters grow up with self-worth and confidence.       


Bullying and Conflict Resolution

Wednesday Apr 9th  2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2022-04       

Learn the difference between teasing and bullying, as well as tips on how to help your child deal with both of these issues.


Self Esteem

Wednesday Apr 16th 2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2022-07

The secret to raising productive and resilient children “It is easier to build a child then it is to repair an adult.” Self-esteem is the cornerstone for inner growth and cooperation. This presentation will help you identify how your children feel and what they need from you to thrive.  


How To Talk with Your Kids About Drug Prevention

Wednesday Apr 23rd   2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2022-06

Talk early, talk often. Many kids are misinformed about the true risks of drugs, sex, and violence. Learn how to influence your children to adopt your values.         


Childhood Trauma

Wednesday May 7th 2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2022-14       

Understand childhood trauma and its effects on behavior.           

Parent Yourself First

Wednesday May 14th  2:00 PM EST

TEDS# ACS FAP 2022-11       

You can’t get to where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. This presentation will provide helpful strategies for succeeding in our parenting journey. We will discuss essential steps that contribute to a positive parent child relationship by taking care of yourself first.      



Registration Information

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