An official army family and MWR Site

Marina at Selfridge ANG Base



Please Note: 24/7 Access is only available for CAC or Military ID card holders.

Located on the beautiful Lake St. Clair, the Marina at Selfridge, operated by your Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation is the place for your boat!  With quick access to Lake St. Clair, you will enjoy this affordable, safe and secure marina that is conveniently located a short drive from the Main Gate! The season runs April - October and space is limited!

For more information on Marina at Selfridge please contact us at 1+(586) 282-8055 or email us 

Click below the MWR logo for the Marina video!

Boat Slip Information

We are pleased to provide an enjoyable and safe environment at the Selfridge Marina! The Family and MWR Marina has slips available for those with a CAC, Military ID, or DBIDs Card. 

Enjoy access to electricity and running water! Check out the great small, medium and large slips at the Selfridge ANGB Marina at Selfridge! 

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Marina Questions

For more information email,

Access to FMWR at SANGB

The U.S. Army Detroit Arsenal's Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Programs, Services and Facilities (Family and MWR) currently offers a Selfridge Air National Guard Base (SANGB) Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) ID Card to authorized individuals.

Individuals seeking a DBIDS ID Card:

1) Call (586) 239.4344 to start the application process and authorize a background check.

2) Each patron must apply for his/her own card.

*** Please note the DBIDS ID Card does not allow guests to enter with the patron. ***

3) Please allow at least 10 business days for processing.

4) Pick up your DIBS Card at the Selfridge Visitor's Center located outside the M-59 main gate. The Visitor's Center hours of operation are Monday-Friday 0830-1430.

Individuals are required to bring a valid **ID, current and valid proof of insurance, the vehicle registration for the vehicle you are driving, and your social security card or Tax ID number (Form W-2). Photograph and fingerprints are required at time of card pick up.

** If you do not have an enhanced ID, you must also bring a birth certificate or passport.

5) Once the DBIDS Card is available, access to the Base through the Main Gate off M59 & Jefferson.

6) The ID Card is valid for one year from date of issuance and must be renewed annually.

Please note, guidelines for access to Selfridge Air National Guard Base must be followed at all times.

This DBIDS ID Card offers access to the following Family and MWR Programs, Services and Facilities:


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