- Call Ahead Ordering
- All your catering needs!
- Banquet & Meeting Space
- Mulligan’s Food Truck
- Weddings
- Golf Outings
- Birthday Parties and more …
- Restaurant & Banquet Facility Event Menu
- Restaurant & Banquet Facility Event Requirements
The East dining room can accommodate up to 60 guests, the full main dining room can seat up to 280 guests and Outdoor Patio can seat up to 90 guests. Different seating arrangements, table sizes, gift and other tables and buffets will impact the number of guests that can be seated.
All events are subject to a room charge of $200, if a minimum of $500 in food and beverage service is not met. The room charge will be waived if food and beverage charges exceed the $500 minimum. East dining room can accommodate up to 60 people, full dining room can seat 280 and Lanai can seat up to 90 guests, seating arrangements will impact the number of guests that can be seated.
All event agreements are subject to an 18% service charge for the cost of set up and cleaning, and staff gratuity.
All event menu or option selections and guest counts will be confirmed no less than 10 days prior to the event. Once guest count is confirmed with Catering Department, that is the minimum number of guests that will be changed. Speical dietary requests must be submitted at the time menu selections are made. Additions to the guest count and menu changes within 9 days of the event will be subject to additional fees.
All events requiring visitor access vetting lists, must submit complete lists to the Catering Department no less than 15 business days prior to the event. No lists are to be submitted directly to the 127th Security Forces (copies of any directly submitted list must be provided to the Catering Department at the time of submission) No visitor guest access will be guaranteed for any submission received in less than 15 business day prior to the event.
A minimum (non-refundable) deposit of $200 is required for all event agreements at the time of booking (with the exception of official Command events), events are not guaranteed prior to deposit receipt. Deposit will be applied to the Event agreement total.
Payment in full for all events is required no later than the event date. Any events that do not provide final payment on the event date or prior to the event are subject to a 10% holding surcharge. Payments may be made by cash, check or credit/debit card.
In compliance with Army regulation 215-1,TB Med 530 and the Tri-Service Food Code, NO OUTSIDE FOOD ALLOWED can be brought into the facility (with the exception of a Cake produced in a professional bakery, $35 cake fee required). ALL prepared food must be disposed of on-site within the appropriate service time. NO leftover or remaining food will be removed following the event conclusion. No carry-out containers will be permitted for buffets or platters with the exception of Cake supplied by the customer.
For Golf Outings, please request the 2025 Golf Outing Form to book your golf event.
- Access to FMWR at SANGB
The U.S. Army Detroit Arsenal's Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Programs, Services and Facilities (Family and MWR) currently offers a Selfridge Air National Guard Base (SANGB) Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) ID Card to authorized individuals.
Individuals seeking a DBIDS ID Card:
1) Call (586) 239.4344 to start the application process and authorize a background check.
2) Each patron must apply for his/her own card.*** Please note the DBIDS ID Card does not allow guests to enter with the patron. ***3) Please allow at least 10 business days for processing.
4) Pick up your DIBS Card at the Selfridge Visitor's Center located outside the M-59 main gate. The Visitor's Center hours of operation are Monday-Friday 0830-1430.
Individuals are required to bring a valid **ID, current and valid proof of insurance, the vehicle registration for the vehicle you are driving, and your social security card or Tax ID number (Form W-2). Photograph and fingerprints are required at time of card pick up.
** If you do not have an enhanced ID, you must also bring a birth certificate or passport.
5) Once the DBIDS Card is available, access to the Base through the Main Gate off M59 & Jefferson.
6) The ID Card is valid for one year from date of issuance and must be renewed annually.
Please note, guidelines for access to Selfridge Air National Guard Base must be followed at all times.
This DBIDS ID Card offers access to the following Family and MWR Programs, Services and Facilities:
- Mulligan's Restaurant & Banquet Center & Catering 1+ (586) 239-2337
- The Marina at Selfridge 1+ (586) 282-8055
- The Outdoor R.V. Storage 1+ (586) 282-8055
- Child, Youth & School Services 1+ (586) 239-5595 or 1+ (586) 282-3010
- Youth Sports & Fitness Programs 1+(586) 239-5595 or 1+(586) 282-3010
- Selfridge Golf Course & Pro Shop (586) 239 GOLF (4653)
- MWR-Sponsored Events

For more information on our catering services please call 586-239-2337 or e-mail us at usarmy.detroit.id-sustainment.mbx.mulligans-special-events