- Step 1 - Prepare "Request for Operation" letter
- Request for Operation (.pdf)
- Request for Operation (.pdf)
- Step 2 - Read the Installation Policy 210-22 and prepare documentation as listed on Annex A
- Step 3 - Submit the following to: usarmy.detroit.imcom-central.mbx.fundraiser@mail.mil
- Request for Operation letter
- All required documentation in Annex A
As defined by AR 210-22, a Private Organization (PO) is a self-sustaining, non-federal entity constituted or established and operated by individuals acting outside any official capacity as officers, employee, or agents of the Federal Government or its instrumentalities. It may be incorporated or unincorporated. It may operate on or off DA installations; however, to operate on the Detroit Arsenal, the private organization must have the written consent of the Installation Commander.
At the Detroit Arsenal, the Installation Commander has delegated the DFMWR, NSSD the authority to approve the operation of private organizations and to monitor their activities on post. The DFMWR, NSSD, is tasked with monitoring and validating all POs and ensuring compliance with appropriate regulations.
PO statues will NOT be granted based solely on fundraising opportunities and facility usage. PO’s must be active within the post community, operate in the best interest of the Detroit Arsenal and the Army and show a tangible contribution to the Detroit Arsenal community.
PO’s are NOT NAFI’s, PO’s are not entitled to Army endorsement by virtue or their contributions. There is no official relationship between PO activities and official duties. Neither the Federal Government nor its NAFI’s have a vested interested in the assets of the PO.
Steps for Authorization to operate a Private Organization on the Detroit Arsenal
Supporting Documentation: